Be ye strong and of good courage, be ye not afraid, do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you, wherever you go.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's been raining for the past 5 days straight. And where we live, it NEVER rains, except for the month of June, so this is a very strange weather pattern that not many people are enjoying. The garden is enjoying all of the water, but unfortunately, so are the weeds. As soon as this clears I know what our job will be. Weeding.

 I haven't been able to think of any interesting things to write about lately, so that's why I haven't been posting much. That, and the fact that we're getting to the season of hard work on the farm, so I don't have as much free time as I did this spring. So that's about all I have to say



  1. It seems to be raining must be conspiracy!

  2. Hey Hannah :)
    Loving the blog so far, it's great to hear whats going on with the farm and family nowadays. We miss you guys, can't wait to see you in July! here's a post suggestion, what if you wrote about all of the different animals you guys have around the farm? That would be interesting :)

    Love you guys!

  3. Thanks Ellie, We miss you guys too! July's going to be fun!! That's a good idea for a post, I think I'll take you up on it.

